Sunday, August 21, 2016


Welcome to me!
I love gaming, adventure, and tend to craft as much IRL as in game! If you have found yourself here, they wet your appetite as well. So what is it, that makes them all meld together so well?
Do you ever get that vacant stare after listing syncing down to Sastasha at 60 as your number one first world problem?  Have you ever found yourself trying to explain to your friends, the wickedness that is the great axe you finally got to drop last night? Do people back away slowly when you tell them about the kick ass thigh high red Kinky-Boots? Perhaps your boss really is tired of hearing you had to farm fifty pieces of fruit last night so you only got an hours sleep. For whatever reason, he does not see that expanding your Pet Bag so you can hatch your Volcanic Magmite A.S.A.P. as a reasonable excuse. It will take days of XPing to catch it up to your level as it is! Even in a Perfect World you cant expect a level 8 pet to survive level 30 mobs!
I have been there. Dammit, I am there right now. And, I know I’m not the only one. Welcome to my first post. More are to come soon. As I grow I will be expanding the sections. I play and have played many games. At the moment I will admit I am going through a bit of a MMORPG phase. FFXIV, FFXI, Perfect World International, WoW, and Legend of Ares to name a few of the recent ones.  What can I say, when I see something shiny I get distracted!
All fun and no work makes for a hungry grasshopper though.  Along the way I also want to share other things that I love like crafting, school, and some DIY projects.   I am a very busy girl, so bear with me.  I don’t see this as an expressly niche blog, but more of a presentation of my many interests.  In saying that, you know you have a notebook in which you have planned out goals in Final Fantasy whether it is gear or story line quests.
I will be getting things together to publish my guides as well. I will get into the topics as time passes. If there are any specific games or guides you want me to get to quicker, by all means I want to know your interests. I hope for this blog, and the resources on it, to be as useful to you as possible. If you have any topics feel free to let me know!

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