Sunday, January 15, 2017

I Need Some Inspiration...

Lately I have been feeling so incredibly... unfinished.  I am not sure if that is exactly the right wording, but I am at a loss.  It almost feels like I am forgetting something. 

I hate that looming feeling, of uncertain dread.  But I am not forgetting anything.  I feel like I woke up to a completely different life than what I had ever imagined or planned for myself.  Not that this is a bad thing.  I don't feel like my life has gone haywire, and that I have crashed and burned into a hot mess.  But it just looks so different than what it was supposed to.  With the new semester starting in just two days I feel like something definitely needs to change.  A wake me up, a fresh beginning, something!

I just want to be excited again!  I want to feel like I am driving my own destiny instead of just swept up in a current.  I need some inspiration!

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